plain cakes
Get To Know The Nutritional Value Of Cakes
Generally, people have a misconception that foods should not be delicious and then only it will turn out to be nutritious. On the contrary, delicious foods can be nutritious. Many people think that cakes are highly tasty and so they do not bring any health benefit. On the other hand, plain cakes are generally made out of flour as filling. In addition, butter or margarine is also used for bringing the creamy and rich taste. Sugar is also added to enhance sweetness, to make them appealing to kids. Eggs are used as binding agents and frosting is also done to add aesthetic appeal to them. With these details, we can get to know about the nutrition that a slice of cake inclusive of plain cakes and sponge cakes has in store for the consumers.
Fruit Cake
Carbohydrates for energy: With sugar and flour present in sponge cakes, it can provide the consumers with the required carbohydrates. This is a substance that can give us energy, so that we can stay alert for longer period. This is a substance that can provide the brain with the required energy. This is why it is recommended that kids should be made to eat fruit cakes.
Fiber for digestion: When talking about fruit cakes, fruits like apples, carrots and pineapple are just some of the flavors available. Apart from giving the natural sweetness, they also will provide the fiber needed for improving the digestive process. They can also help in promoting the growth of good bacteria in the intestines for restoring the balance by combating the bacteria in our digestive system.
Sponge Cake
Fats for energy and warmth: Due the processes like frosting and shortening, cake is an excellent source of oils and fats. Even though, the fats are available in lesser quantity, they will help in improving the energy level in the human body. They will also improve the heat in the body needed during cold and winter period.In addition, this food, regardless of its type is rich in proteins and they can also play a major role in improving endorphin and serotonin levels in the body, which in turn will make us happier.